Kimra Cole, President & COO Of One Of The Kentucky Best Places To Work

Being named one of the Kentucky Best Places to work – for the second time in a few years – would be a pat on the back for any leader.

But Columbia Gas of Kentucky President and COO Kimra Cole believes in giving credit where credit is due. She redirects the spotlight to the team whose commitment to safety and customer service energize her every day.

“We would not have this distinction were it not for our amazing employees who raise the standard for excellence every day,” she said.

Dragging Her Own Chair to Decision-Making Tables

To her credit, her engaging personality and inclusive and uplifting leadership style made her a favored candidate for her latest role, a triumphant milestone in a strategic professional journey that at times required head-butting proverbial glass ceilings and dragging her own chair to decision-making tables.

Her Path To Success

Kimra’s bio offers a glimpse into her journey. Recently named one of The Lane Report’s Top Women in Business, Kimra has served in leadership roles in marketing, engineering and operations. In her most recent stint with NiSource, the Columbia Gas parent company, she served as Vice President of Distribution Operations, a role in which she managed more than 700 employees and contractors and a $385 million-dollar budget. The Richmond native previously worked as Director of Engineering at the Kentucky Public Service Commission and Commissioner of General Services for the Lexington Fayette Urban County Government, where she led the Division of Parks and Recreation and the Division of Facilities and Fleet Management.

Her path to success, from earning an engineering degree that exceeded her father’s dreams to leading the company where she was once downsized, inspired her own passion for coaxing reluctant leaders out of their shells, asking the hard questions and rallying her team to groundbreaking victories.

Often the first to arrive at the office and the last to log off so she can build in time to greet and connect with her staff, Kimra’s zeal for excellence and flare for interpersonal connections has helped drive the company’s safety culture, inclusion and diversity goals, interdepartmental collaboration and employee engagement efforts, and customer service focus.

Kimra’s Story & Energy

Kimra will share her story – and her energy — at the Women Leading Kentucky Power Hour Leadership Series, to be held virtually on Nov. 19.

About the Event: Power Hour with Kimra Cole, November 19