The corporate responsibility efforts of LG&E and KU drastically pivoted along with the rest of the world during the pandemic. As community needs evolved towards basic need, the company provided emergency funding to various regions throughout the state. In Lexington, the company’s LG&E and KU Foundation teamed up with more than a dozen other businesses and organizations to help support United Way of the Bluegrass’ Coronavirus Response Fund.
As regular corporate sponsors of many community events, LG&E and KU also worked alongside organizations to reallocate sponsorship funds to work with their new event formats. The creativity of these non-profit organizations was palpable as they continued to serve their community while providing new ways for folks to become involved in their mission during such a difficult year.
At the end of 2020, LG&E and KU also helped organizations who were providing Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) support as schools remained close for in-person learning. The LG&E and KU Foundation contributed grants to seven organizations in Lexington and Louisville who were heavily focused on supporting students of color. The organizations include AMPED, Boys & Girls Clubs of Kentuckiana, Evolve502, MOLO Village and Neighborhood House in Louisville; and YMCA of Central Kentucky and The Black Male Working Academy in Lexington.
Throughout 2020, LG&E and KU, along with company employees and the LG&E and KU Foundation, contributed nearly $7 million to non-profit agencies that help advance communities across the utilities’ service territories and support those in need.
About the Author: Mary Kate Gray serves on the board of Women Leading Kentucky. She is the Community Relations Manager for LG&E and KU Energy LLC.