Scholarship Donations
Invest in Future Leaders!
Women Leading Kentucky believes that education is a powerful equalizer. We are deeply committed to empowering women enrolled in Kentucky colleges and universities to become leaders, and scholarships are a critical tool towards achieving this goal. Together with our generous donors, we have helped more than 200 students with over $225,000 donated to advance their education. Awards are made to women who display extraordinary leadership on campus and in their communities.

2022 Scholarship Recipients
University of Kentucky
Sponsor: Toyota Motor Manufacturing KY
Journalism & Digital Advertising
Western Kentucky University
Sponsor: Jayne Hancock Memorial
Sponsored Scholarships
Engineering Scholarship
Board of Directors
H.S. Senior Scholarship
Finance & Banking Scholarship
WLK Leadership Scholarship
Janet Holloway Founder Scholarship
Jayne Hancock Memorial Scholarship
From Scholarship Winners
Sarah Caldbeck
I am so thankful for the opportunities that the WLK scholarship has provided me! This scholarship award has allowed me to focus on my educational and career goals without worrying so much about financial concerns. I was able to concentrate on doing well in my engineering classes instead of working a job on the side. I also had more time on my hands to join clubs and organizations on campus that have helped me to grow both personally and professionally. I will be forever grateful for this scholarship!
Rodricka Brice
As a senior at Kentucky State University, majoring in business administration with a specialization in management, I received a scholarship from WLK. First I would like to thank WLK for granting me a scholarship which has allowed me to focus more on service and studies. I have utilized the WLK scholarship to pay for my books, tuition and housing fees. By all of my expenses being taking care of, I was able to become more campus and community involved which has resulted in a higher GPA of 3.6 and A and B’s.
Olivia Ossege
The Women Leading Kentucky Scholarship has helped make it possible to maximize my education. As a psychology major at the University of Louisville, I am eager to learn more and see where the rest of these four years will take me. I am also in the Guaranteed Entrance to Medical School (GEMS) program and hope to pursue a career in pediatric medicine one day. I am extremely grateful to Women Leading Kentucky and the support I have received to help me fulfill my academic goals!
Faye Barry
Receiving this scholarship relieved a great financial burden for me to continue my college studies in Business Administration with a focus in Accounting. A portion of the money went to my study abroad adventures for the spring semester. This scholarship … has given me an indescribable amount of confidence and honor that such a wonderful organization sees the work that I do as important. It has inspired me to reach for the stars even more. I cannot thank WLK enough!
Patricia Watson
The Women Leading Kentucky Scholarship that I was awarded encouraged me and validated my desire to pursue and complete my education at Berea College. This scholarship furthered my passion to continue the “learning, labor, and service” motto of Berea College while gaining the realization that I possessed the capability to promote change and stimulate confidence in others. I plan on utilizing my education in a capacity that will enrich the lives of Kentucky’s geriatric community. I am truly grateful!
Haven Jacob
When I first applied to the Women Leading Kentucky Leadership scholarship, I was utterly unaware of how the organization would impact my career and life journey. I received the congratulatory email directly after one of my classes and to put it simply I was snoopy dancing around campus; I was shocked that they would even consider me, let alone choose me for this honor. The next step was attending the yearly luncheon to be recognized, where I was seated with women that had paved the path that I am currently walking. Being a woman pursuing a career in STEM is far from an easy task and honestly can be quite discouraging at times. Yet this organization and the women that comprise it give me to courage to apply to medical school knowing that no matter what the world says, I willmake it rather than questioning if I could. I know that no matter the obstacles I face on my way to becoming a physician, I will have a powerhouse supporting me as well as the motivation to continue fighting for the young women behind me. I am, and will forever be, a proud member of Women Leading Kentucky.