The Great Disconnect by Sonja Gregory
The Great Disconnect By Sonja Gregory With 2020 in the rearview mirror, we’re looking forward with hope to the new year ahead. How can we make it...

Carol Siler: Stay Connected In 2021
In the picture: WLK workshop attendees connected on Zoom in 2020 Stay Connected in 2021 We are all glad to see 2020 behind us! While much hasn’t...

So Many Reasons to be Grateful in 2020
We have a great deal to be grateful for as we reflect on 2020: The support of our Board and Advisory Council. They conducted an in-depth strategic...

Lessons For Life From Those Ruby Red Shoes By Mary Ann Gramig
Lessons For Life From Those Ruby Red Shoes By Mary Ann Gramig You've always had the power, my dear. For the last few weeks whenever I had a few...

Gain A Competitive Advantage: Three Strategies For Women Who Own Small Businesses
Gain A Competitive Advantage: Three Strategies For Women Who Own Small Businesses This has been a challenging year for small businesses, but there...

Kimra Cole, President & COO Of One Of KY’s Best Places To Work
Kimra Cole, President & COO Of One Of The Kentucky Best Places To Work Being named one of the Kentucky Best Places to work – for the second time...

Call for Volunteers: Mentor Through the ‘Real Girls Stand Strong’ Program
Call For Volunteers: Mentor Through The 'Real Girls Stand Strong' Program Women Leading Kentucky is partnering with The Real Girls Stand Strong...

A Website With No Users Is Like Facebook With No Friends
A Website With No Users Is Like Facebook With No Friends What does that mean exactly? A website is just like any other connection to your clients...

Mammograms Save Lives by UK Healthcare
Mammograms Save Lives In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, UK Healthcare chatted with Dr. Burke about the importance of a cancer screenings –...

GreenHouse17: How You Can Support Domestic Violence Awareness
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Now is the time to use your voice and influence in the community. During this month of domestic...